Balance is not updated after Market Buy Order filled


I have small application which is checking current balance, creating market buy order and checking balance again. Order was filled.
I see that second balance check returning the same value (previous balance).

What I am doing wrongly?


Can you provide some more information? What balance are you checking exactly, what symbol did you place the order on, etc. Eg. if you’re looking at the total USD value of your balance, it will be relatively unchanged regardless of any orders executed. That will only change if you actually transfer funds out of the account itself.

I am checking for USDT balance on my account.
I am using .NET SDK.
Here is a code example:

    private static async Task<List<Asset>> CheckWallet()
        using HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
        var wallet = new Wallet(httpClient, apiKey: API_KEY, apiSecret: API_SECRET);

        var currentAssetsSerialized = await wallet.UserAsset(recvWindow: 60000);

        var currentAssets = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<Asset>>(currentAssetsSerialized, new JsonSerializerOptions { NumberHandling = JsonNumberHandling.AllowReadingFromString })!;
        return currentAssets;

    private static async Task<OrderResult?> BuyCryptoMarket(string symbol)
        using HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();

        var spotAccountTrade = new SpotAccountTrade(httpClient, apiKey: API_KEY, apiSecret: API_SECRET);

        var result = await spotAccountTrade.NewOrder(symbol, Side.BUY, OrderType.MARKET , quoteOrderQty: 5, recvWindow: 60000);

        var orderResult = DeserializeResponse<OrderResult>(result);

        return orderResult;

    static async Task Main(string[] args)

        List<Asset> assets = await CheckWallet();
        var result = await BuyCryptoMarket("BETAUSDT");
        List<Asset> assets2 = await CheckWallet();

And I am checking in debug asset2 value, which is not changed for USDT coin.