AUTO_EXCHANGE Duplications from Futures Income History Endpoint

I’m seeing weird behaviour from the income history endpoint (/fapi/v1/income). For incomeType = AUTO_EXCHANGE, and only for this type, the endpoint returns duplicate entries, which are identical apart from the tranId. Thus, if I add up the ‘income’ for a particular ‘asset’, I double-count AUTO_EXCHANGE.


{‘symbol’: ‘’,
‘income’: -0.03681018,
‘asset’: ‘ETH’,
‘info’: ‘808339297321996288@3776.1040055900007@1258.7013352000004’,
‘incomeType’: ‘AUTO_EXCHANGE’,
‘time’: datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 9, 14, 11, 46),
‘tranId’: ‘808339297321990005’,
‘tradeId’: ‘’},
{‘symbol’: ‘’,
‘income’: -0.03681018,
‘asset’: ‘ETH’,
‘info’: ‘808339297321996288@3776.1040055900007@1258.7013352000004’,
‘incomeType’: ‘AUTO_EXCHANGE’,
‘time’: datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 9, 14, 11, 46),
‘tranId’: ‘808339297321956288’,
‘tradeId’: ‘’}

Is this somehow expected behaviour?

The tranId being different suggests that AUTO_EXCHANGE with same conditions, did in fact happen multiple times.

You could recheck your auto exchange settings on your futures account to see if it can explains this, and also consult the results on the UI. If it can’t be explained, reach out to the Customer Support as they’ll have access to your account’s details to investigate more.