'Asset Dividend Record' returns error

Hey guys,

Looks like the Asset Dividend Record endpoint has stopped worked sometime last week. No mention of any changes in the API docs. I get this error no matter which values I pass for startTime and endTime:

  • “msg”: “illegal parameter”

It has been no issues for several years up until last week. Full request URL example:

  • /sapi/v1/asset/assetDividend?startTime=1499990400000&endTime=1681956338000&timestamp={{timestamp}}&signature={{signature}}

Thanks in advance

I can confirm, my script which worked for years is broken as well.
So far no change is documented in the changelog.

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Hi, we’re seeing this too.

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Seems there was another change. Now I got an error message that actually helps:

{"code":-1108,"msg":"There cannot be more than 180 days between parameter 'startTime' and 'endTime'."}

Once changed, I got some data back again.