/api/v1/account/{address} not returning tokens for addresses starting with "0x.." (works only for "bnb..")


I am a developer and am confused trying to get token balances for a public address using Binance Chain API. It works well for addresses starting with “bnb…”. I get BNB balance as well as all token balances on that address.

Example (working): https://dex.binance.org/api/v1/account/bnb1jxfh2g85q3v0tdq56fnevx6xcxtcnhtsmcu64m

But it doesn’t work for addresses starting with “0x…”. Why not and how can I get token balances for those addresses?

Example (not working): https://dex.binance.org/api/v1/account/0xfbf2559f1172387e5104043d3847e50bd028b3d2

On BscScan website it shows token balances for this address correctly even when I input address starting with “0x” (see screenshot below):


Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Suggest you read this first - https://bscscan.com/apis
For further questions, go to community.binance.org for more help. This is a group for exchange API support