API Key for futures is not working


I am trying to connect to the Futures servers on Binance (and access the contents in the Futures Wallet)

I had created the API key several times on Binance.

I have followed the suggestions listed here and created a NEW API Key - several times:

When attempting to connect, I get:
MESSAGE : ERR-52D073683{“code”:-2015,“msg”:“Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action, request ip:”}

So, I CHANGED the WORKING API KEY so that it would process FUTUREs request too. I REMOVED the NEW key

I still got the same error:

When attempting to connect, I get:
MESSAGE : ERR-52D073683{“code”:-2015,“msg”:“Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action, request ip:”}

I used to have a white-listed IP Address but I have removed that option (in an effort to figrue out what is going wrong).

I was not sure if it had something to do with the API servers being used.

What other things can I try to figure out what the problem is. Why is it taking place?

Any help, hints or advice would be greatly appreciated.


I have the following code below :

– initialize the connection

def initialize_connection( in_futures = False):

try :

    if ( in_futures == False ):
        LD_API_KEY      = os.getenv("BINANCE_APIKEY")
        LD_API_SECRET   = os.getenv("BINANCE_API_SECRET")

        conn_exchange = ccxt.binance({
            'apiKey'         : LD_API_KEY,
            'secret'         : LD_API_SECRET,
            'enableRateLimit': True,

    elif ( in_futures == True ):

        LD_API_KEY      = os.getenv("BINANCE_APIKEY_MARGIN")

        conn_exchange = ccxt.binance({
            'apiKey': LD_API_KEY,
            'secret': LD_API_SECRET,
            'timeout': 30000,
            'enableRateLimit': True,
            'options': { 'defaultType': 'future', },

        raise CustomProgramError('11408', 'invalid choice made ' + str( in_futures) )

    return( conn_exchange )

– getting the balances:

def get_bank_balances(in_futures = False, in_symbol = ‘’, print_info = False):
try :

[ … snip …]

    exchange = initialize_connection( in_futures )  

[ … snip …]

    # reference: https://unpkg.com/ccxt@1.10.633/doc/manual.rst
    wallets            = exchange.fetch_balance()

[ … snip …]

– error message

2020-07-13 14:17:43 - ERROR - 26699 - test - ERROR
MESSAGE : ERR-9E25D696D{“code”:-2015,“msg”:“Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action, request ip:”}

2020-07-13 14:17:43 - ERROR - 26699 - test - ERROR
MESSAGE : ERR-9E25D696D - Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ccxt/base/exchange.py”, line 568, in fetch
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/requests/models.py”, line 940, in raise_for_status
raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url: https://fapi.binance.com/fapi/v1/account?timestamp=1594649863166&recvWindow=5000&signature=39503a217abc23o2o4075fc3d03af19c2c2b56372b018d3940693fk422c2782

– what I have tried doing

I have looked at the following old messages below:

#Ref: New Binance Futures API Endpoint With 10x Performance

Hi Could you please have a try with a brand new API key?

Hi thanks,

I found the issue.


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