API Frequently Asked Questions

Scanning the API chat we had noticed every now again these questions frequently pop up. So we decided to put some of them here for easy reference.

  • How come I keep getting this error “Timestamp for this request is outside of the recvWindow.” ?This usually means that your system time is not in sync with the server time. So check that your clock is in sync. If after syncing it still fails, the issue may be the recvWindow value.

  • My IP was blocked because I used up the limits! How can I prevent hitting those limits? If your goal is to retrieve market data, we recommend using the websockets as this will not count against your IP limits. Information on websocket usage can be found in our API Documentation.

  • How do I get the information on a symbol? You can use the endpoint api/v3/exchangeInfo for SPOT and fapi/v1/exchangeInfo for FUTURES.

  • I got this error code. What does it mean? The API Documentation contains all the error codes and a short explanation.

  • Why am I getting this message “Rest API Trading not enabled”? This likely means that the API is under maintenance. Please check the API Announcements
    group for any System Downtime.

  • Is anyone from Customer Service here? This place is for users to ask questions regarding their code, or usage of the API. Anything that requires someone from Customer Service (e.g. funds locked, 2FA not working, etc) cannot be answered here.Please go to the Customer Service Page for these kinds of queries.

Find more FAQs at Topics tagged faq.

Please any one can help me with this post


Why am I getting this error: Signature for this request is invalid?

This is another common question that a lot of API users ask.

One of the moderators made a thread to list down common causes and some ways to debug. We are hoping this is useful for everyone:


What’s the difference between HALT and BREAK? What do the other symbols status stand for?

Linking back to one of the moderator’s thread on explaining the different symbols status.

Why am I getting an error saying my API key is invalid?

Nothing here solved my own “API key invalid” issue. There is one more possibility: you’re using the wrong production API

I was using api.binance.com as I’ve seen in the docs and recommended here. Only when I changed to api.binance.us did the error go away.


what kind of lang did you use?python php node?
I chosed the php scripts and i get infos from testnet whatever i need.

i am also getting this error from wunderbit bot. but I don’t understand where to write these codes. I will be glad if you help.

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Hi why if i try to run this curl -X ‘GET’ ‘https://api.binance.com/api/v3/klines?symbol=EURXRP&interval=1m&limit=500
only with EURXRP return me {“code”:-1121,“msg”:“Invalid symbol.”}

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EURXRP is not a symbol on the SPOT exchange. Use the exchange information endpoint to identify which symbols are available on the exchange.

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how can i fix this error–>"/home/samson/PycharmProjects/pythonProject12/.venv/bin/python /home/samson/PycharmProjects/pythonProject12/main.py
Error placing test order: APIError(code=-2015): Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action.
Starting triangular arbitrage bot…
Arbitrage opportunity found: {‘direction’: ‘forward’, ‘pair1’: ‘BNBBTC’, ‘pair2’: ‘BTCUSDT’, ‘pair3’: ‘BNBUSDT’, ‘profit_margin’: 0.006030768445786094}
Executing forward arbitrage on {‘direction’: ‘forward’, ‘pair1’: ‘BNBBTC’, ‘pair2’: ‘BTCUSDT’, ‘pair3’: ‘BNBUSDT’, ‘profit_margin’: 0.006030768445786094}
Error executing arbitrage: APIError(code=-2015): Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action.
Waiting for the next cycle… (10 seconds)
Arbitrage opportunity found: {‘direction’: ‘forward’, ‘pair1’: ‘BNBBTC’, ‘pair2’: ‘BTCUSDT’, ‘pair3’: ‘BNBUSDT’, ‘profit_margin’: 0.02338453623274006}
Executing forward arbitrage on {‘direction’: ‘forward’, ‘pair1’: ‘BNBBTC’, ‘pair2’: ‘BTCUSDT’, ‘pair3’: ‘BNBUSDT’, ‘profit_margin’: 0.02338453623274006}

Thanks guys! I have so much to read here)