API errors


I am running a trading bot that is connecting to your API. I get 5x a day several errors, and between those errors there are purchases done multiple time.

Error I get:
2021-05-10 05:01:38 ERROR ProfitTrailerService - CB:{“CODE”:503,“MSG”:“SERVICE UNAVAILABLE”}
2021-05-10 05:01:38 INFO ProfitTrailerService - Exchange might be having some issues. Please check your bots and announcements
2021-05-10 05:05:24 INFO ProfitTrailerService - Buy order for BATUSDT (L50) buy amount 167.50000000 for price 1.49290000 of type PAIRS – {“orderNumber”:“1571951778”,“error”:"",“amountUnfilled”:167.5,“resultingTrades”:,“done”:false}
2021-05-10 05:05:25 INFO TradingProcessorService - Process buy order 1571951778 - Position found true
2021-05-10 05:05:25 INFO TradingProcessorService - Get order information – {“orderNumber”:“1571951778”,“error”:"",“amountUnfilled”:0.0,“resultingTrades”:[{“date”:{“date”:{“year”:2021,“month”:5,“day”:10},“time”:{“hour”:3,“minute”:5,“second”:24,“nano”:0}},“rate”:0,“amount”:167.5,“total”:0.0,“fee”:0,“liqPrice”:0,“markPrice”:0,“orderNumber”:“1571951778”,“type”:“buy”,“crossMargin”:false}],“done”:true}
2021-05-10 05:05:25 INFO TradingProcessorService - Normal Pair - currency pair BATUSDT, MTP 10, TTP 10
2021-05-10 05:08:31 INFO ProfitTrailerService - Heartbeats: PAIRS Heartbeat, DCA Heartbeat, Cache Heartbeat
2021-05-10 05:10:12 INFO ProfitTrailerService - Buy order for BATUSDT (L50) buy amount 168.10000000 for price 1.48740000 of type PAIRS – {“orderNumber”:“1571995596”,“error”:"",“amountUnfilled”:168.1,“resultingTrades”:,“done”:false}
2021-05-10 05:10:12 INFO TradingProcessorService - Process buy order 1571995596 - Position found true
2021-05-10 05:10:12 INFO TradingProcessorService - Get order information – {“orderNumber”:“1571995596”,“error”:"",“amountUnfilled”:0.0,“resultingTrades”:[{“date”:{“date”:{“year”:2021,“month”:5,“day”:10},“time”:{“hour”:3,“minute”:10,“second”:12,“nano”:0}},“rate”:0,“amount”:168.1,“total”:0.0,“fee”:0,“liqPrice”:0,“markPrice”:0,“orderNumber”:“1571995596”,“type”:“buy”,“crossMargin”:false}],“done”:true}
2021-05-10 05:10:13 INFO TradingProcessorService - Normal Pair - currency pair BATUSDT, MTP 10, TTP 10
2021-05-10 05:13:22 ERROR ProfitTrailerService - CB:{“CODE”:503,“MSG”:“SERVICE UNAVAILABLE”}
2021-05-10 05:13:22 INFO ProfitTrailerService - Exchange might be having some issues. Please check your bots and announcements
2021-05-10 05:18:31 INFO ProfitTrailerService - Heartbeats: PAIRS Heartbeat, DCA Heartbeat, Cache Heartbeat
2021-05-10 05:28:24 ERROR ProfitTrailerService - CB:{“CODE”:503,“MSG”:“SERVICE UNAVAILABLE”}
2021-05-10 05:28:24 INFO ProfitTrailerService - Exchange might be having some issues. Please check your bots and announcements
2021-05-10 05:28:31 INFO ProfitTrailerService - Heartbeats: PAIRS Heartbeat, DCA Heartbeat, Cache Heartbeat
2021-05-10 05:35:27 ERROR BinanceRequest - Binance returned:
2021-05-10 05:35:27 ERROR ProfitTrailerService - CB:No value was returned

How can I make sure there are no 503 error messages?


Gr. Mexx

HTTP 503 return code is used when the API successfully sent the message but it cannot get a response within the timeout period. It does not always point to a failure operation. The execution status is UNKNOWN and could have been a success.
If you don’t mind, please provide more info about your API request e.g. payload (excluding the sensitive info like key and signature) for further investigation. For now, I would suggest you to subscribe the websocket user stream to see the order updates.

The websocket stream would only indicate that the coin was bought.
The problem is that on subsequent check Binance indicates that the coin is not there. And that can’t be fixed with websocket.

Any ideas?

So far the root cause is not clear and one of the possible reasons is the server deployment. Did you face the same issue again after 10 May?