API Endpoint for Grid Trading Spot Market Transaction History

Hello, I’m seeking assistance on identifying the correct API endpoint to obtain the history of orders and transactions for grid trading bot in the spot market on Binance. Is there a specific endpoint or method within the Binance API that facilitates accessing this data for grid trading bot activities? Any guidance or documentation references would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

It appears there is no dedicated API to manage a grid trading bot.

However, you can perform the following actions using the Binance API with your API key:

Thank you for your previous guidance on using the Binance API endpoints to retrieve the account’s order history and trade list. I have followed your advice and utilized the specified endpoints with my API key. However, I’ve encountered an issue where the activity conducted by the grid trading bot does not appear in either the order history or the trade list retrieved through these endpoints.

Is it possible that activities performed by grid trading bots are logged differently, or that there’s another endpoint or method that I should use to access this specific data? Any further insights or documentation you could provide on this matter would be greatly appreciated. I am keen to accurately track and manage the activities of the grid trading bot through the Binance API.

Thank you for your time and assistance.

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I am also looking for the correct way to export or retrieve my grid trading bot data. As the above, downloading the normal spot trade data is fine, but not for the grid trading bot. Looking forward for guidance if any. I too want to properly analyze the grid trading activities.