accountSnapshot gives false information about my balance

I’m using Daily Account Snapshot (GET /sapi/v1/accountSnapshot) but I received wrong information.
For 3 days back I received duplicities in my BNB and BTC asset, so I see that I had over 60% more money on account (To date": "Sat, 27 Aug 2022 23:59:59 GMT).
Next: today for getting snapshot of last day (Mon, 29 Aug 2022 23:59:59 GMT), → when I send request at 7:50 AM (GMT+1), I got snapshot with missing ETH on my account (to last day 23:59:59). When I sent the same request at 8:30 AM (GMT+1) a received correct amount of all assets.
My question:

  1. Why am I receiving wrong snapshot with duplicities of some assets
  2. What is the correct update time of last day account snapshot to call, if 7 hours after midnight is not enough ?
    Any suggestions ?
  1. It is hard to replicate this error as it does not happen frequently.
  2. Alternatively, you can use the respective account information to get your asset amount.
    SPOT: Binance API Documentation
    MARGIN: Binance API Documentation
    FUTURES: Binance API Documentation

OK, but I want to get account historical information - CORRECT amount of assets to date xy.

The account snapshot endpoint only provides up to 1 month old of data. I suggest moving forward you store your daily account information locally and only use the snapshot endpoint if you have some information loss from the account information endpoint.

This is not solution for bug in “accountSnapshot”

I’m having this issue too. Seeing duplicate records for SOLUSDT and others. I process over 100 accounts and see duplicates in one or two. Because of this, we are forced to use the /fapi/v2/account endpoint. However, we can see dozens of trades in the 5 minutes after midnight. Therefore when we try and reconcile to the exchange, the account endpoint pull will have trades that occurred next day. The snapshot api should give us trades AT midnight UTC without the noise, but the bug would need to be fixed.