-32603 error code

Hi, I am getting error with error code -32603 and described as Filter failure: LOT_SIZE although i have money on my account to place even bigger orders than i tried. It turned out to be a precision issue, anything above precision points 3 on ETHBTC is getting rejected, why is that? Is it for every asset, or is it possible that for some asset’s max precision is less than 3 and i will get errored out at some point? there is no mention about this code on Error Codes | Binance Open Platform perhaps someone could update the docs and explain hot to code order placement that will be reliable and future proof? :slight_smile: many thanks!


LOT_SIZE filters are in place to determine the quantity of symbols that can be exchanged. This limitation is crucial to prevent individuals from having too much impact on the market.

To find the quantity limit for each symbol, you can utilize the endpoint /api/v3/exchangeInfo and check the LOT_SIZE limitation.

For more information, refer to the filters documentation.
The same goes for filters error: Binance API Documentation.

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yes sorry i posted a question that i get empty filters array, but the filters are in exchangeInfo.symbols[0].filters :slight_smile:

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