24hr Ticker Price Change Statistics

Hello, 24hr Ticker Price Change Statistics futures api also returns data for delisted pairs even though the pairs have been delisted for more than 24hrs. Am I doing something wrong?

Sample data for SRMUSDT delisted since 15th Nov, 2022.
‘symbol’: ‘SRMUSDT’,
‘priceChange’: ‘0.1488’,
‘priceChangePercent’: ‘107.670’,
‘weightedAvgPrice’: ‘0.1977’,
‘lastPrice’: ‘0.2870’,
‘lastQty’: ‘34’,
‘openPrice’: ‘0.1382’,
‘highPrice’: ‘0.3056’,
‘lowPrice’: ‘0.1309’,
‘volume’: ‘1568086114’,
‘quoteVolume’: ‘309948231.8700’,
‘openTime’: 1668400200000,
‘closeTime’: 1668486602092,
‘firstId’: 153124576,
‘lastId’: 154903989,
‘count’: 1776094

How do I filter out delisted pairs?

Are you using Futures API (https://fapi.binance.com/fapi/v1/exchangeInfo) to confirm the SRMUSDT 's status?