-2015 Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action 可以下单但是查询账户余额报错

i use binance java api try to query account balance
but i got Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action

the same code if i take cm or um order it’s ok
i’m sure that apikey and api secret and url also ipaddress is currect

i found that if api type USER_DATA will get this error
but TRADE will not

奇怪了 一摸一样的代码 可以下单 但是查询账户余额之类的接口都报错 签名错误 我用的是币安的api页面上提供的github项目 apikey 和secret 还有ip地址我都确认是正确的
我发现下单正常 但是USER_DATA的都有问题 奇怪

Have you taken a look at the following post: why do I see this error "Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action."
If not, it might be helpful.

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i found that if i use java code:

ConcurrentHashMap<>() to be api param it will occur this error
but i use LinkedHashMap<>() it’s ok
i use binance-connector-java in github

like this :
Map<String, Object> objectObjectLinkedHashMap = new HashMap<>();
String result = client.createMargin().account(objectObjectLinkedHashMap);
Map<String, Object> objectObjectLinkedHashMap1 = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
String result1 = client.createMargin().account(objectObjectLinkedHashMap1);

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thank u