1013: PRICE FILTER mesmo com todos parametros!

Olá! Estou desenvolvendo uma aplicação para fins de estudo e tenho estudado o TestNet. Tenho conseguido obter todos dados e abrir ordens. No momento estou desenvolvendo a função GRID, e quando tento abrir as ordens limit, recebo o erro 1013: PriceFilter. Li a documentação e o preço esta dentro da margen de 20% de queda ou 5x o valor do preço. o valor do lote está ok.
Por exemplo, em um grid de 5 ordens no BNBUSDT, onde deveria abrir ordens em 520, 510, 500, 490 e 480 por exemplo, ele vai abrir a ordem de 520 e 510, a terceira ja retorna 1013.

Um trecho do código:

StrategyGridUser newGrid = filterGrid.get();

        JsonObject gridJson = JsonParser.parseString(newGrid.getConfigStrategy()).getAsJsonObject();
        Double quota = Double.parseDouble(gridJson.get("quota").toString().replace("\"", ""));
        Double nGrids = Double.parseDouble(gridJson.get("nGrid").toString().replace("\"", ""));
        Double percentGrid = Double.parseDouble(gridJson.get("percentGrid").toString().replace("\"", "")) / 100;
        Double valueBase = Double.parseDouble(gridJson.get("valueBase").toString().replace("\"", ""));
        Double targetOrder = (valueBase * percentGrid) + valueBase;
        Integer grid = 1;
        List<List<TransactionSpotGrid>> listOperations = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 0; i < nGrids; i++) {
//            sb.append("Asset: " + acronym + " | Order: " + grid + " | Quota: " + quota + " | ValueBase: " + valueBase + " | Target Order: " + targetOrder + "\n");
            List<TransactionSpotGrid> operations = tharseoAPIService.newOrderLimitGrid(user, asset, "BUY", quota.toString(), valueBase.toString(), targetOrder);

            valueBase = valueBase - (valueBase * percentGrid);
            targetOrder = (valueBase * percentGrid) + valueBase;

recebo de volta: {“code”:-1013,“msg”:“Filter failure: PRICE_FILTER”}
ja tentei aguardar mais de um minuto entre cada operação mas o resultado é sempre o mesmo, da certo as duas primeiras e a terceira em diante falha.

Could you please explain your problem in English?
Additionally, could you provide more details on the library and API endpoint being used in your code?

i will translate…
Hello! I am developing an application for study purposes and have been studying the TestNet. I have been able to get all the data and open orders. At the moment I’m developing the GRID function, and when I try to open limit orders, I get error 1013: PriceFilter. I read the documentation and the price is within the margin of 20% drop or 5x the value of the price. The lot value is ok.
For example, in a grid of 5 orders on BNBUSDT, where you should open orders at 520, 510, 500, 490 and 480 for example, it will open the order of 520 and 510, the third one already returns 1013.
//code above
An excerpt from the code:
I get back: {“code”:-1013,“msg”:“Filter failure: PRICE_FILTER”}
I’ve tried to wait more than a minute between each operation but the result is always the same, the first two work and the third one fails.

i`m using:

{{url}}/api/v3/order?symbol=BNBUSDT&side=BUY&type=&timestamp={{timestamp}}&signature={{signature}} //example

from library API v3/ Postman endpoints
I set it up based on the GitHub link. It’s working, but when I try to open orders every certain distance, I get this error return.