1000PEPEUSDT : /fapi/v1/exchangeInfo vs /api/v3/klines


I have an issue with some symbols that I validate on /fapi/v1/exchangeInfo such as 1000PEPEUSDT (ARCUSDT, BANUSDT, CHILLGUYUSDT, ONDOUSDT, PIPPINUSDT, POPCATUSDT, VIRTUALUSDT, VVVUSDT) but that fail afterwards with the klines api for retrieving historical data e.g. https://api.binance.com/api/v3/klines?symbol=1000PEPEUSDT&interval=3m&limit=50&endTime=1740432874221 → {“code”:-1121,“msg”:“Invalid symbol.”}.

I might be missing something, so thanks for your support.

The base endpoint you are using is meant for SPOT requests. You should replace it by https://fapi.binance.com (Documentation)

If you want to get the klines data, have a look at this page.

thank you for the quick and accurate help :slight_smile: