Unable to reply to or comment on posts

For the last week, I have tried to comment on a specific post, which has one answer from Binance. The system continues to generate a 403 response. I am logged in to a developer account; I have tried both Edge and Brave browsers. Of course, it is questionable whether this new post will make it.

Could you link the post in question?

Please note 403 may be encountered when including URL links to external sites.

the comment i have been trying to make:
I too have encountered the (frustrating) issue regarding ACCOUNT_CONFIG_UPDATE events not providing information about changes to the position mode (HEDGE or ONE WAY) .
There would appear to be a straightforward solution - simply add the dualSidePosition boolean value (as returned by the rest API GET) to the returned User Account Configuration payload ai(say, as property k - which I do not think is used in any other returned objects). Anyone interested in the value can attempt to retrieve it and ignore a null value (so Binance doesn’t have to add another specific event type). Anyone not interested in it in effect is ignoring any state change now anyway.

It seems that single apostrophes in text cause the problem.