Total margin debt & total volume

Hi again,

I’m trying obtain a bunch of stastical data from binance, one that could be extremly intressting is total margin debt for a symbol or similar, on the platform there is a neat little window for this on the trading view. Also total volume in binance market for a symbol. Might be blind, or is there a way to obtain these?

Hello, trying to understand your context of margin debt, can you indicate where is the “little window” in the spot trading UI, please?

As for the total volume, do you mean the base and quote asset’s 24h trading volume? This can be obtained with

It’s these windows:


Nice link! I meant these numbers:

And that is the 24h ticker… got it! Thank you.

Is those margin statistics availabe?

Hi, came looking for the same information as Simon.
Is Margin Dept information available on Binance API?
It would be extremely helpful in making trading decisions.