Fetch all account orders

A +1 from me too, need this for accurate P&L calculation!

@erzwo to my understanding trade and order are not the same. a trade is a closed order. you could place an order and cancel it -> that one would show up in your order history but not in your trade history. one could say a trade has an effect on your wallet whereas an order not necessarily does

An Order is basically you saying “I want to buy 10 BTC at price 1$”.
A Trade is the actual “transfer” of assets between you and somebody else.
Our example order can have multiple trades, flagged as “PARTIALLY_FILLED”, as follows
Trade1: 3 BTC to X
Trade2: 5 BTC to Y
Trade3: 2 BTC to Z

+1 from me too.

If Binance Devs are not able to implement this endpoint, a workaround could be endpoint like /traded-symbols, which return all traded symbols. In most cases, it will reduce 1200+ calls to probably 5-100.


+1 from another developer here, it’s a crucial missing part of the API. This is already implemented in Binance’s private/internal API at:

  • https://www.binance.com/bapi/capital/v1/private/streamer/order/get-trade-orders (for orders)
  • https://www.binance.com/bapi/capital/v1/private/streamer/trade/get-user-trades (for trades)

They return all orders/trades within a specific date range. We really need this on the public REST API since it’s impossible to fetch historical data via WebSocket, and the only current workarounds involve massive numbers of brute-force requests hitting Binance servers, taking a long time and consuming a lot of computing resources.


Yeah, this missing features really puts me off using Binance API… sad. :roll_eyes:

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+1 for this feature.

With new API limits it is very time consuming to get complete history.


+1 for the feature

+1. This feature must have for exchange, even more for such exchange like Binance, most popular nowadays. Mostly it needs for accounting. Taxes is very actual topic in crypto space currently. So if you don’t wanna lose the clients, would be good to invent this feature.

Hello guys. I am the founder and chief architect of rotki. The opensource portfolio tracking and accounting tool that protects user privacy: https://github.com/rotki/rotki/

Binance is one of our integrations and the experience is terrible. We integrate with many other exchanges and no exchanges forces us to DDOS the exchange in order to simply get user history.

This needs to be fixed to bring the binance API in line with other modern exchange APIs. The api request limit is is reached if for one user an ip tries to query all history. This is insane. Please provide a fix.

We at rotki have a growing userbase of over 4k users at the moment. Each user is making these queries from the local system effectively DOSing your exchange. The way your API is set up you are addinng unnecessary strain to your own servers.

To solve this for our users we offer them the ability to specify the markets they want to query, but this is just a patch until you guys can provide a proper solution: https://rotki.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage_guide.html#binance-binance-us


+1 for this feature.

This is definitely a much-needed improvement over what we currently have available!
Right now in order to get a month’s data (Roughly around 50 transactions) for a client who just trades on BTCUSDT I need to make 1300 unnecessary calls, which in theory I can get the job done in just 1 call!
I can’s think of a possible reason as to why the devs at Binance think that putting a required symbol parameter is a good idea. I am ending up unwillingly DDOSing your servers Binance!! Their solution to this? They put even crazier weight limiting on their calls. It’s not our fault that we are spamming your API servers! If you improve the get trades endpoints we would not have to spam your server.


+1, please add proper order history.

+1, considering the information is already available on Binance’s website and it is not filtered by symbol, I don’t se a reason why it needs to be filtered when using the API. I will probably move to another exchange and also recommend people to do it because of this, I need to automate how my taxes are calculated.

+1. DDOS-ing is not nice for the user and also not nice for Binance.

+1 we are currently querying thousands of markets per customer as a catch-all of finding taxable events. A single get all trades endpoint makes would undoubtedly reduce the load on Binance’s infrastructure and prevent the need for clients to needless query thousands of rate limited endpoints.

+1 please allow retrieving trades without specifying a symbol

+1 The order history API is needed or modify the current allOrders API with the symbol as an optional field.

+1 for this feature.

Here we go again, another tax year and Binance still hasn’t implemented this. Their reason for not doing this is ridicules, and their silence on this issue speaks volumes about how they feel about their customer base.

I limit how much I use Binance now, because every year we have a TERRIBLE time trying to get transaction history for the tax year, it literally takes WEEKS, because they limit how much data you can download at a time. I tell everyone I can: DO NOT USE BINANCE! You will REGRET it come tax season!


@KryptoKing I totally agree with you