Can't buy and sell futures and catch market prices in variable

Hi, i have the api working well for spot market price SELL and BUY
but about futures market price SELL and BUY i can’t get it work, despite i
have a future account that i used previously.
i tried theses 3 ways (at least) and fo 2 i have this Promise { }
responses. binance.futuresMarketBuy( ‘ETHUSDT’ , 0.0085) ); ‘ETHUSDT’ , 0.0085, { newOrderRespType: ‘RESULT’ } ) );

binance.futuresMarketSell( ‘ETHUSDT’ , 0.0085 );

also, i don’t understand how to catch the informations in variables with this streaming feed binance.futuresTickerStream( ‘BTCUSDT’ );
which stream i can’t stop.

Theses are also not working binance.futuresLeverage( ‘ETHUSDT’, 50 ) );
binance.futuresLeverage( ‘ETHUSDT’, 50 );

thanks in advance for the help

Pure nodeJS problem. Please use below as resolve function:
binance.futuresMarketBuy(‘ETHUSDT’, 85).then(resp=>
For further clarification, please go to a nodeJS dev forum to discuss

than you very much
i tried this, your code look working but i have this error message despite i checked the box for futures (and all boxes)

[Object: null prototype] {
code: -2015,
msg: ‘Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action, request ip: xx.xx.xx.xx’

Read this - why do I see this error "Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action."

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