Binance Testnet environments

@yyyyaaa There is no function to deposit/increase funds in the Testnet environment.

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Q: How do I create an API key for the SPOT Testnet?
A: From, you can see this link to login

Once your account has been authenticated, you will be redirected back to testnet page and there will be another link to generate the API key

Click the button and give a label to your API key in the next screen, then you will see the API key:

Don’t forget to Save the secret key as it won’t be shown again.



como puedo ver los datos de mis pruebas o donde las puedo ver?

API Link dont exist for testnet.

but what is Wallet address (for connect to Metamask and see all assets there and also see it in ) for that “API Key” and “Secret Key” ?

Q: How do I open a testnet account and generate a testnet API key for Futures?

A: From, find the “Register now” button from the bottom of the page, underneath the kline chart:

After click there, you will be asked to provide email address and password to generate a testnet account.
This account is separate with your production account, It’s recommended to use a different email and password.

After login with the testnet username and password, you will see the tab of “API Key” with API Key and secret:

There will be some funds already in the account, and this cannot be withdrawn.


It looks like registration form is broken ATM. Lots of errors in the web-inspector. Do you know who can take a look? Thank you!

keeps saying “Account Activation Failed” while trying to confirm the register for the Futures testnet.
Any way I can register to the testnet?
Thanks for the help

The registration form for futures is broken for me too. I cant click the create account button

Is testnet future broken ? I cant login.

we are working on it.

whats happening to the testnet future? it dont allow me to login and tell “Verify failed, please reload and try again” since two day ago

Issue to login/register on testnet too.

Should be fixed now

Exacty half way done! Thank you very much to investiguate!
In fact,there is a no error to login but when arrived to Futures BNBUSD Chart, it isn’t logged in.

It appears as though you can create an account, but not properly logged in. It shows the chart, but user is logged out - even after login - so cannot get an API key.

I registered an account but cant get the api keys for binance futures. There is no link as shown in the how-to to get the keys

Read from the top and it already demonstrated how to get api key/secret from testnet

Is it in the the wallet section that we can get api keys?

I have this error

Whitelabel Error Page
This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback.

Thu Feb 18 22:38:49 UTC 2021
There was an unexpected error (type=Not Found, status=404).
No message available