2015Error / but i entered my host ip

hi .
i am developing my project with binance api .
my language is php ,libarary:

some function work fine , but in withdraw function i should change config of api in binance account , =>
i had choiced “Restrict access to trusted IPs only (Recommended)”

after i had choiced it , all function returned error 2015 .

i was added my shared host ip address and saved it ,
but all function returned error 2015 .

how to solve it ?
is the meaning of ip, ip of my server ?
or the meaning of ip , is my device ip?

In the API management page of Binance, you add the public IP from your machine and enable withdraw.

thanks , so i should register my device ip ?
if my device use vpn ,i should to register ip of vpn ?

i added my vpn ip , and my server ip
but return error

Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: signedRequest error: {“msg”:“Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action.”}

Please see if this post can help you with the troubleshooting: why do I see this error "Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action."